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豆豆   2021-08-21 22:05:31   366人已围观

When Microsoft bought task management app Wunderlist and mobile calendar Sunrise in 2015, it picked up two newcomers that were attracting considerable buzz in Silicon Valley. Microsoft's own Office dominates the market for “productivity” software, but the start-ups represented a new wave of technology designed from the ground up for the smartphone world.

在2015年,当微软收购任务管理app Wunderlist和手机日历Sunrise这两个新秀时在硅谷引起了相当大的轰动。微软自己的office占据了生产效率软件市场。但是创业企业代表了一股新科技浪潮,从头开始为智能手机世界而设计。

bought:v. buy(买)的过去式和过去分词
picked up:选择 ; 挑选 ; 采 ; 摘 ; 摘掉,剔除,掐去
newcomers:n. 新手, 新来者
considerable:adj. 相当大的; 相当多的; 重大的, 重要的; 值得注意的
buzz:n. 嗡嗡声,蜂鸣声;兴奋v. 发出嗡嗡声;繁忙;(飞机)飞过,飞近
dominates:v. 支配,统治,控制;俯视;占据优势
represented:v. 代表, 表示; 作为…的代表; 象征; 描绘, 表现
a new wave of:新一波 ;
wave:n. 波浪; 波动; 风潮, 浪潮, 潮流; 波纹; [物]波v. 使波动, 使摇晃; 挥动, 挥舞; 挥手(或物)示意
from the ground up :从头开始 ; 完全地,彻底地
smartphone :智能手机

  Both apps, however, were later scrapped, after Microsoft said it had used their best features in its own products. Their teams of engineers stayed on, making them two of the many “acqui-hires” that the biggest companies have used to feed their insatiable hunger for tech talent.


scrapped:n. 碎片,小块;丝毫;废料v. 废弃,取消
features:n. 特征, 特点, 特色, 故事片, 专栏, 特写v. 以…为特色, 是…的特征, 起重要作用, 占重要地位
stayed on:继续停留;保持;赖着不走
small acquisitions(小规模收购)
beside the point(离题)
feed:v. 饲养, 喂养, 供应, 供给n. (婴儿的)一次喂奶, (动物的)一次喂给的饲料, 动物的饲料
insatiable:adj. 不知足的, 无法满足的
hunger :n. 饥饿, 饥荒, 渴求, 饥饿感v. 饥饿, 使饥饿, 使因饥而… (into out of)
talent:n. 人才, 才能, 天才, 天资

  To Microsoft's critics, the fates of Wunderlist and Sunrise are examples of a remorseless drive by Big Tech to chew up any innovative companies that lie in their path. “They bought the seedlings and closed them down,” complained Paul Arnold, a partner at San Francisco-based Switch Ventures, putting paid to businesses that might one day turn into competitors. Microsoft declined to comment.

       对于微软的批评者而言,Wunderlist和Sunrise的命运就是一个大的科技公司摧毁任何在他们路径上创新的公司的残酷的例子。他们收购那些初创公司并且关闭他们。Paul Arnold抱怨到,他是旧金山Switch风险投资公司合伙人,投资这些将来可能会成为他们竞争对手的公司。目前微软对此拒绝评论。

remorseless:adj. 持续恶化的, 残酷的, 无情的, 无同情心的
chew up:phrase. 毁坏,使失败;损害,伤害phrase. 消耗;蚀掉phrase. 使紧张,使担心
innovative:adj. 引进新思想的, 采用新方法的, 革新的, 创新的
seedlings:n. 幼苗, 秧苗, 籽苗
Ventures:v. 冒险; 冒…险; 大胆行事; 敢于; 敢做; 敢说; 猜测; 以…作赌注
          n. 冒险; 冒险行动; 投机活动; (冒险)事业; (为赢利而投资其中的)企业; 赌注; 风险
competitors:n. 竞争者,对手
declined:v. 减少,下降;衰退;谢绝n. 减少,下落,衰退

  Like other start-up investors, Mr Arnold's own business often depends on selling start-ups to larger tech companies, though he admits to mixed feelings about the result: “I think these things are good for me, if I put my selfish hat on. But are they good for the American economy? I don't know.”


selfish hat on:自私的帽子
depends on:依赖图; 依赖于;
admits:v. 承认,供认;允许
admit sb/sth into/to sth准许进入、加入
mixed:adj. 混合的, 混杂的, 人员混杂的, 由不同种族的人组成的v. “mix”的过去式和过去分词

  The US Federal Trade Commission says it wants to find the answer to that question. This week, it asked the five most valuable US tech companies for information about their many small acquisitions over the past decade. Although only a research project at this stage, the request has raised the prospect of regulators wading into early-stage tech markets that until now have been beyond their reach.


acquisitions:n. (技能、习惯或品质的)习得, 培养; (一家公司对另一家公司的) 收购; 资产获得, 获得物
research:n. 研究, 探索, 调查v. 研究, 调查, 探讨
stage:n. 阶段, 步, 步骤, 舞台, 驿站v. 举行, 上演, 举办, 组织
raised:adj. 凸起的, 提高的, 升高的v. “raise”的过去分词和过去式
prospect:n. 预期, 展望; 景象; (成功、得益等的)可能性, 机会; 前景, 前途v. 勘探, 勘察
regulators:n. 监管机构, (速度、温度、压力的)自动调节器
wading:v. 跋涉,趟水
reach:v. 达到, 到达, 达成, 收到n. 领域;(手脚)能够到的范围, (可及的)范围, (影响的)范围;河段

  Given their combined market value of more than $5.5tn, rifling through such small deals — many of them much less prominent than Wunderlist and Sunrise — might seem beside the point. Between them, the five companies (Apple, Microsoft, Google, Amazon and Facebook) have spent an average of only $3.4bn a year on sub-$1bn acquisitions over the past five years — a drop in the ocean compared with their massive financial reserves, and the more than $130bn of venture capital that was invested in the US last year.


given:adj. 已经安排好的, 规定的, 指定的, 所述的n. 假设事实prep. 鉴于, 考虑到v. “give”的过去分词
combined:adj. 结合的, 联合的; [化] 化合的v. (“combine”的过去分词和过去式) (使) 联合, 结合
MM:百万 million
Bn:十亿 billion
Tn:万亿 trillion
rifling:n. 步枪, 来福枪v. 快速搜寻, 匆忙翻找, 偷窃, 盗取
prominent:adj. 杰出的;显著的,突出的
seem :似乎 ; 好像 ; 看来 ; 感到好像 ; 看来好像
beside the point :离题的 ; 不相关的
a drop in the ocean:沧海一粟;九牛一毛
venture capital:风险资本(投入新公司的资金,风险很大)

  However, critics say that the big companies use such deals to buy their most threatening potential competitors before their businesses have a chance to gain momentum, in some cases as part of a “buy and kill” tactic to simply close them down.


critics:n. 批评家,评论家
threatening:adj. 威胁的, 恐吓的, 阴沉沉的, 乌云密布的v. “threaten”的现在分词;威胁,胁迫
potential:adj. 潜在的; 可能的n. 潜力, 潜能; 潜在性, 可能性; [物]电势
businesses:n. 买卖,生意;企业,公司;职责;事件
gain:v. 获得, 增加, 赢得, 取得n. 增加, 利益, 好处, 利润
momentum:n. 动量, 势头, 动力, 推进力
tactic:n. 策略, 战术





编辑发布时间:2021-08-21 22:05:31