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豆豆   2021-08-26 22:24:00   162人已围观

Every Saturday morning, at 9 am, more than 50,000 runners set off to run 5km around their local park。 The Parkrun phenomenon began with a dozen friends and has inspired 400 events in the UK and more abroad。 Events are free, staffed by thousands of volunteers。 Runners range from four years old to grandparents; their times range from Andrew Baddeley’s world record 13 minutes 48 seconds up to an hour。


dozen:n. 很多, (一)打, 十二个, 十来个
inspired:adj. 品质优秀的, 能力卓越的, 借助于灵感创作的v. “inspire”的过去式和过去分词 v. 激励,鼓舞;启发,使产生灵感
events:n. 大事, 事件;事情的进程;活动, 经历;结果, 后果;比赛项目;[物][统]事件
range between ... and表示在一定的范围内变动,通常指价格大小尺寸等等。
range from to表示从...到...之间的各类事物,形容范围广
set out to do sth.=set about doing sth.意为“着手、开始做某事”;
set out for.=set off for/to.=leave for.意为“动身去……”;出发去……”。

  Parkrun is succeeding where London's Olympic “legacy” is failing。 Ten years ago on Monday, it was announced that the Games of the 30th Olympiad would be in London。 Planning documents pledged that the great legacy of the Games would be to level a nation of sport lovers away from their couches。 The population would be fitter, healthier and produce more winners。 It has not happened。 The number of adults doing weekly sport did rise, by nearly 2 million in the run—up to 2012—but the general population was growing faster。 Worse, the numbers are now falling at an accelerating rate。 The opposition claims primary school pupils doing at least two hours of sport a week have nearly halved。 Obesity has risen among adults and children。 Official retrospections continue as to why London 2012 failed to “inspire a generation。” The success of Parkrun offers answers。


legacy:n. 遗产, 遗赠财物, 遗留问题, 后遗症adj. (计算机系统或产品)已停产的
succeeding:adj. 随后的;接着的 v. (succeed的现在分词)成功;接替
pledged:n. 保证,誓言;抵押,抵押品v. 保证,发誓;抵押,典当
fitter:n. 钳工, 装配工, 修理工, 试衣裁缝adj. “fit”的比较级
opposition:n. 反对党, 对立, 在野党, 对抗
claims:v. 声称,宣称;认领;索取;获得;需要n. 索赔;宣称;声明;断言;要求,主张
primary school pupils:小学生 ;
pupils:n. 学生, (尤指)小学生, 弟子, 瞳孔
halved:v. (使)减半;把…对半分
Obesity:n. 肥胖;肥胖症;过度肥胖
retrospections:n. 回顾, 回忆

  Parkun is not a race but a time trial: Your only competitor is the clock。 The ethos welcomes anybody。 There is as much joy over a puffed-out first-timer being clapped over the line as there is about top talent shining。 The Olympic bidders, by contrast, wanted to get more people doing sports and to produce more elite athletes。 The dual aim was mixed up: The stress on success over taking part was intimidating for newcomers。


race:n. 人种, 种族, 赛跑, 竞争, 民族v. (和…)比赛, 参加比赛, 使比赛, 让…参加速度比赛
trial:n. [法]审讯, 审判; 试验; 试用; 磨难, 考验; 尝试, 努力; [体]选拔赛adj. 试验的; 试用的; 审讯的; 审判的
ethos:n. (某团体或社会的)道德思想
clapped:v. 鼓掌,拍手;轻拍某人的背;急速放置n. 鼓掌;拍手;砰然巨响;霹雳声
shining:v. 照耀, 发光, 擦亮, 反光n. 光泽, 光亮
bidders:n. 投标者, 出价者
contrast:n. 对比, 对照; 差异; 对照物, 对立面v. 对比, 对照; 形成对比
dual:adj. 两部分的, 双重的, 双的n. 【数】偶数, 【语】对偶
aim:n. 目标,对准v. 瞄准,旨在
mixed up:头脑混乱的,迷惑不解的;卷入…的;牵连进…的;与…厮混在一起的
stress:n. 压力; 紧迫, 紧张; 造成紧张的因素; 强调; 重要性; 重音; 重读; [物]应力
        v. 着重, 强调; 重读; 使受应力; 加压力于; (使)紧张; 焦虑
intimidating:adj. 吓人的, 令人胆怯的v. “intimidate”的现在分词

  Indeed, there is something a little absurd in the state getting involved in the planning of such a fundamentally “grassroots”, concept as community sports associations。 If there is a role for government, it should really be getting involved in providing common goods—making sure there is space for playing fields and the money to pave tennis and netball courts, and encouraging the provision of all these activities in schools。 But successive governments have presided over selling green spaces, squeezing money from local authorities and declining attention on sport in education。 Instead of wordy, worthy strategies, future governments need to do more to provide the conditions for sport to thrive。 Or at least not make them worse。


Indeed:adv. 的确,确实(强调肯定的陈述或答复)
absurd:adj. 荒谬的,怪诞不经的n. 荒诞的事物
fundamentally:adv. 从根本上, 基础地, 重要地
grassroots:n. 基层, 草根, 根本, 农牧地区
concept:n. 概念, 观念, 设想, 观点
community:n. (同住一地的人所构成的)社区;(由有着相同兴趣、宗教信仰等的人构成的)群体,团体;
              社会;公众; 社区(团体)归属感;(动植物的)群落
associations:n. 联合; 结合; 关联; 交往; 联想; 协会; 社团; [化]缔合
pave:v. 〔用石块或混凝土板〕铺〔路、地面等〕,铺砌,铺筑
presided:v. 担任主席;主持(会议、仪式)
squeezing:n. 挤压
wordy:adj. 话多的, 冗长的, 啰嗦的,口头的
thrive:v. 兴旺发达, 繁荣; 旺盛; 茁壮生长, 茂盛生长







编辑发布时间:2021-08-26 22:24:00