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豆豆   2021-06-23 15:55:31   299人已围观

Rats and other animals need to be highly at tuned to social signals from others so that can identify friends to cooperate with and enemies to avoid. To find out if this extends to non-living beings, Loleh Quinn at the University of California, San Diego, and her colleagues tested whether rats can detect social signals form robotic rats.

老鼠和其他动物需要高度适应来自其他动物的社交信号以至于识别朋友合作和需要避开的敌人。为了找出这种情况是否延伸到非生命物体,加利福利亚大学圣地亚哥分校Loleh Quinn 和他的同事一起进行了一项实验,观察老鼠是否可以发现来自机器老鼠的社交信号。


       rat:n. 老鼠,耗子,讨厌的人,卑鄙的小人;tune:n. 曲子, 曲调 v. 调整, (为乐器)调音, (给收音机、电视等)调谐, 使协调;social: adj. 社会的, 社会上的, 社会地位的, 社交的 n. 联谊会, 联欢会 。extend:v. 伸出, 伸开; 延长; 扩展; 扩大; 推进; 提供; 给予; 使竭尽全力; 达到。non-living:无生命,非生物。detect:v. 测出;发现,查明 。robotic:adj. 机器人的, 像机器人的, 呆板机械的

They housed eight adult rats with two types of robotic rat- one social and one asocial一for 5 our days. The robots rats were quite minimalist, resembling a chunkier version of a computer mouse with wheels-to move around and colorful markings.



        house:n.房子,v.安置,给...提供住处。asocial:adj. 不合群的, (对别人利益)漠不关心的, 自私的 ;quite:adv,相当地,非常地 ;minimalist:n. 极简抽象派艺术家, 简约主义者;resemble:v. 与……相似,类似 。chunky :adj. 粗重的, 厚实的;结实的, 敦实的;(食物)厚片的,成大块的 。

During the experiment, the social robot rat followed the living rats around, played with the same toys, and opened caged doors to let trapped rats escape. Meanwhile, the asocial robot simply moved forwards and backwards and side to side



         experiment: n. 实验, 试验, 尝试, 实践 v. 尝试, 试用, 做试验, 进行实验 。toy: n. 玩具, 玩物, 玩意儿 v. 玩弄, 戏弄, 玩耍 adj. 玩具的, 作玩具的, 个头很小的, 小体型品种的 ;

         caged: n. 笼子 v. 把(动物)关在笼中. trapped:adj. 捕获的,被困的,截留的 ;simply:adv. 只是, 简单地, 简直, 不过 .forwards and backwards :前后 。

         side to side:从一边到另外一边。

  Next, the researchers trapped the robots in cages and gave the rats the opportunity to release them by pressing a lever.Across 18 trials each, the living rats were 52 percent more likely on average to set the social robot free than the asocial one. This suggests that the rats perceived the social robot as a genuine social being. They may have bonded more with the social robot because it displayed behaviours like communal exploring and playing. This could lead to the rats better remembering having freed it earlier, and wanting the robot to return the favour when they get trapped, says Quinn.



       lever:n. 撬棒, 杠杆; 控制杆; (用作施加压力等的)手段, 方法 v. 撬动; 使用杠杆; (借助支点)用力移动; 施压获取 . perceive:v. 认为,视为;察觉,感觉,认知 。genuine:adj. 真正的,真实的;诚恳的 。

The readiness of the rats to befriend the social robot was surprising given its minimal design. The robot was the same size as a regular rat but resembled a simple plastic box on wheels.“We' d assumed we' d have to give it a moving head and tail, facial features, and put a scene on it to make it smell like a real rat, but that wasn’t necessary, ”says Janet Wiles at the University of Queensland in Australia, who helped with the research.

出乎意料的是,机器老鼠设计及其简陋,但是活老鼠还是乐意跟他们交朋友。机器鼠和正常的老鼠大小相同,但是类似一个简单的带有轮子的塑料盒子。我们原来假设我们需要给它活动的头和尾巴,面部特征,让它更像真的老鼠,但是那些没有必要。澳大利亚大学的 Janet Wiles这样说道,他协助了本次研究。


readiness:n. 准备就绪, 愿意, 乐意  ;  surprising: adj. 令人吃惊的, 使人惊奇的, 出人意料的, 奇怪的 v. “surprise”的现在分词 ;regular :adj. 规则的, 有规律的, 间隙均匀的, 定时的 n. 常客, 老主顾, 主力(或正式)队员, (电视节目的)老主持人 adv. 经常地, 完全 ;assumed:adj. 假定的, 假设的 v. “assume”的过去式和过去分词 。facial :adj. 面部的 n. 美容, 面部护理 ;scene:n. 现场, 景象, 情景, 景色,事件 。help with: 帮助,协助,扶持

The finding shows how sensitive rats are to social cues, even when they come from basic robots. Similarly, children tend to treat robots as if they are fellow beings, even when they display only simple social signals.“ We humans seem to be fascinated by robots, and it turns out other animals are too,”says Wiles.



       sensitive:adj. 敏感的; 灵敏的; 脆弱的; 易受伤害的; 感光的; 敏锐的; 神经质的; 容易生气的; 善解人意的, 体恤的 ;basic: adj. 基本的, 基础的, 最简单的, 初级的; 碱性的,含碱的 n. 基本, 基础训练

Similarly:adv. 同样, 类似地, 相似地, 相仿地 。fellow: n. 家伙, 同事, 男人, 同辈 adj. 同类的, 同事的, 同伴的, 同情况的。treat sb as if sth: 视某人为某物。fascinated:adj. 被强烈地吸引住, 感到着迷的。





编辑发布时间:2021-06-23 15:55:31